Easy Content Solution

A central solution for company-wide rule set management

A rule set is used to monitor risks and is the basis for a risk analysis in SAP. Dynamic changes in the SAP system and lack of resources/time make it difficult to define these sets of rules exactly in daily business. With our Easy Content Solution software, certified audit catalogues are quickly and easily imported into your GRC and IDM solutions and processed for your authorisation management.

90% Time saving in the realisation of compliance requirements

80% Time saving compared to manual creation of SAP rule sets

75% Saving resources in communication with specialist departments

Time Savings
Developement Days

IBS Schreiber rule set

Our risk rule sets provide all the building blocks for audit-proof and modern SAP security checks in all sections of the authorisation cycle.


Target solutions of our IBS Schreiber rule set

Conversion of the IBS Schreiber rule sets by the Easy Content Solution into your target solution.


Product webinar

Learn how you can quickly and easily import certified check catalogues into your GRC and IDM solutions with the ECS and process them for your authorisation management.

Get an insight into our Easy Content Solution here!

Use Cases